Tuesday, October 27, 2009


hows it going out their where ever you might be? what can i say I'm 22 yrs. old and work as ateacher aide and go to school at night, the good thing is that it is almost over and i can hopefully spend more time on my hobbies. My favorite thing to do is ride my bike and go throught the mission trails, missiontrails.org. Although i would love to ride my bike, a GT Marathin Elite, everywhere I go, I live out in the middle of nowhere and the most I can do is ride through tose set of trails for safety reasons...
as frar as other interest, i like to work on cars, so far i can suicide hoods, make custom brackets for tvs, and fames so that the seats turn 360 degrees. I also bulid things with wood and metal. hope you keep on stopping by and i enjoy sharing important events about my days..

enjoy :-)